Import clinical information for a patient

import_clinical(clinicalData = NA, patientID = NA, extract_column)



data frame containing the clinical information for a patient. This needs to include a column `SampleName` containing unique names for all the RNA-Seq samples available in the cohort; a `PID` column for patient ID and a `Time` column that should reflect the time of sample collection.


a character vector specifying the patient id for which clinical data should be imported.


vector specifying the column to be extracted. Currently only numeric variables with values between 0 and 1 are allowed to be consistent with plotting together with clonality and VAF estimates.


The function returns a data fram where only `SampleName`, `PID`, `Time` and the variable of interest `extract_column` are kept as well as new variables `VAF`, `mutation_key` and `mutation_det` are added. In this way, clinical information, like tumour purity, is stored in the same way as the variants created with `import_any()` and can be easily combined and plotted together. At the moment, the structure expects `extract_column` to be in the 0-1 range to be consistent with te fact that usually the Variant Allele Frequency (VAF) for a variant is plotted over time.


clinicalData <- data.frame(SampleName = c("D1.Screen.Rel","D1.Cyc1.Rel", "D1.Cyc2.Rel","D1.Cyc3.Rel"), PID = "D1", Time = c("Screen", "Cyc1","Cyc2","Cyc3"), Outcome = "Rel", AgeDiagnosis = 65, Sex = "F", Blast = c(80,5,7,40)/100) import_blast <- import_clinical(clinicalData = clinicalData, extract_column = "Blast", patientID = "D1")