
varikondo comprises a suite of functions to convert output from purpuses superFreq (Flensburg et al. 2018), VarScan (Koboldt et al. 2012), VarDict (Lai et al. 2016), GATK3 Mutect2 (Cibulskis et al. 2013), and FreeBayes (Garrison and Marth 2012) into standardised data frames into R.

First, let’s load the package.


Import and parse a single VCF

The function parse_vcf_output() allows to convert a VCF file generated by one of four callers GATK3 MuTect2, VarDict, VarScan, and FreeBayes into a data frame with standardised fields. This is because different callers annotate the INFO field in the VCF ouput in different ways, using different names for read depth, variant allele frequency etc… The output from parse_vcf_output() can then be used as input for combine_and_filter() to combine variants and clinical information for different samples within the same patients and to fill in missing variants at specific time points. If the variants in the VCF file are also annotated with the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) (McLaren et al. 2016), vep = TRUE will parse the extra fields.

Import only specific ranges of the VCF file

VEP might annotate the same variant multiple times, depending on whether a variants falls on several transcripts. VEP pastes together different annotations on the same line. parse_vcf_output() will reshape the input VCF and return it in a long format by stacking all the annotations one underneath each other. This has the potential to largely increase the size of the ouput file. To overcome this problem it is possible to read in R only restricted genomic regions at one time by specifying a GRanges() object in parse_vcf_output(param = VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam()). The param argument is directly passed to VariantAnnotation::readVcf() within parse_vcf_output().

The example VCF files below were annotated with VEP. Also chr20_varscan.vcf.gz, chr20_vardict.vcf.gz are available as example.

VCF files from VarDict, VarScan, and freebayes can be parsed by specifying caller = "vardict", caller = "varscan", caller = "freebayes".

knitr::kable(parsed_vcf_mutect[1:10,],caption = "Parsed MuTect2 output, from VCF to data frame.")
Parsed MuTect2 output, from VCF to data frame.
Location caller chrom pos end ref alt qual filter genotype tot_depth VAF ref_depth alt_depth ref_forw ref_rev alt_forw alt_rev start width ref_base_quality alt_base_quality SampleName Allele Consequence IMPACT SYMBOL Gene Feature_type Feature BIOTYPE EXON INTRON HGVSc HGVSp cDNA_position CDS_position Protein_position Amino_acids Codons Existing_variation DISTANCE STRAND FLAGS VARIANT_CLASS SYMBOL_SOURCE HGNC_ID CANONICAL TSL APPRIS CCDS ENSP SWISSPROT TREMBL UNIPARC GENE_PHENO SIFT PolyPhen DOMAINS AF AFR_AF AMR_AF EAS_AF EUR_AF SAS_AF AA_AF EA_AF ExAC_AF ExAC_Adj_AF ExAC_AFR_AF ExAC_AMR_AF ExAC_EAS_AF ExAC_FIN_AF ExAC_NFE_AF ExAC_OTH_AF ExAC_SAS_AF MAX_AF MAX_AF_POPS CLIN_SIG SOMATIC PHENO PUBMED MOTIF_NAME MOTIF_POS HIGH_INF_POS MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE IMPACT_rank
chr20_30948281 mutect chr20 30948281 30948281 A G 11.000 PASS 0/1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 30948281 1 0 66 Sample1 G intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000306058 protein_coding 1/11 rs2208131 1 SNV HGNC 18318 ENSP00000305119 A6NIZ6 UPI00015DF8B6 1 0.4093 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4356 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30948281 mutect chr20 30948281 30948281 A G 11.000 PASS 0/1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 30948281 1 0 66 Sample1 G intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000375687 protein_coding 1/12 rs2208131 1 SNV HGNC 18318 YES CCDS13201.1 ENSP00000364839 Q8IXJ9 UPI000036702C 1 0.4093 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4356 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30948281 mutect chr20 30948281 30948281 A G 11.000 PASS 0/1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 30948281 1 0 66 Sample1 G intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000375689 protein_coding 1/4 rs2208131 1 SNV HGNC 18318 ENSP00000364841 Q5JWS8 UPI00004A2D4D 1 0.4093 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4356 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30948281 mutect chr20 30948281 30948281 A G 11.000 PASS 0/1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 30948281 1 0 66 Sample1 G intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000497249 protein_coding 1/4 rs2208131 1 cds_start_NF SNV HGNC 18318 ENSP00000451216 UPI00021CEF59 1 0.4093 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4356 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30948281 mutect chr20 30948281 30948281 A G 11.000 PASS 0/1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 30948281 1 0 66 Sample1 G intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000542461 protein_coding 1/5 rs2208131 1 SNV HGNC 18318 ENSP00000438654 Q6P1M8 UPI0000232A47 1 0.4093 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4356 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30948281 mutect chr20 30948281 30948281 A G 11.000 PASS 0/1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 30948281 1 0 66 Sample1 G non_coding_transcript_exon_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000555343 processed_transcript 1/7 462 rs2208131 1 SNV HGNC 18318 1 0.4093 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4356 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30953162 mutect chr20 30953162 30953162 T C 15.125 PASS 0/1 4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 30953162 1 0 121 Sample1 C intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000306058 protein_coding 1/11 rs6141294 1 SNV HGNC 18318 ENSP00000305119 A6NIZ6 UPI00015DF8B6 1 0.4087 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4325 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30953162 mutect chr20 30953162 30953162 T C 15.125 PASS 0/1 4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 30953162 1 0 121 Sample1 C intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000375687 protein_coding 1/12 rs6141294 1 SNV HGNC 18318 YES CCDS13201.1 ENSP00000364839 Q8IXJ9 UPI000036702C 1 0.4087 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4325 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30953162 mutect chr20 30953162 30953162 T C 15.125 PASS 0/1 4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 30953162 1 0 121 Sample1 C intron_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000375689 protein_coding 1/4 rs6141294 1 SNV HGNC 18318 ENSP00000364841 Q5JWS8 UPI00004A2D4D 1 0.4087 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4325 0.744 EAS 1
chr20_30953162 mutect chr20 30953162 30953162 T C 15.125 PASS 0/1 4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 30953162 1 0 121 Sample1 C upstream_gene_variant MODIFIER ASXL1 ENSG00000171456 Transcript ENST00000470145 processed_transcript rs6141294 1025 1 SNV HGNC 18318 1 0.4087 0.1672 0.4337 0.744 0.3499 0.4325 0.744 EAS 1

combine_and_filter(): joint filtering and improved visualisation over time

This section is more focused on specific tasks that involve preparing the data for plotting changes over time (usually changes in the VAF). This was a recurring task within the clinical trial structures that led to the development of varikondo. This includes a not too large cohort of patients (PID) followed up over Time, usually before and after treatment, and for which some clinical information, like the percentage of tumour content, are collected over the course of the treatment. Patients usually have an overall Outcome reported, depending on whether they respond to treatment (e.g. Responders, Relapse, Refractory). A more detailed example is described in Example: variant calling in RNA-Seq.

parse_vcf_ouput() imports one VCF file at a time. The function only support VCF input files which derive from calls done on one single sample. To analyse variants over time across multiple samples (within a patient or cohort-wise), one needs to filter and combine multiple variants files to create a combined dataset to be summarise or visualised. Some variant callers like superFreq or MultiSNV (Josephidou, Lynch, and Tavaré 2015) are built with this purpose. However, these programs might not be suitable in specific scenarios, like calling complex INDELs in RNA-Seq.

combine_and_filter() helps with this. combine_and_filter() takes in input the combined data frame of variants imported with parse_vcf_output() and stacked together with functions like rbind() or bind_rows(); a patientID; a set of studyGenes if available; and some quality threshold to use for filtering. The output will be a filtered and filled data frame.

  • Filtered. Similarly to import_goi_superfreq(), variants are kept of only if they pass the defined thresholds at one time point within a patient.

  • Filled. If a variant is called at one time point but not found at others, combine_and_filter() imputes 0 default values for VAF, alt_depth and ref_depth. This feature was added to allow that all patient’s time points available in the clinicalData (metadata) are represented for every variant. This allows a complete visual assessment of a variant over time. If this is not of interest to the user, variants with VAF == 0 can be filtered out.

Below is an illustrative example with sample data, adapted from the type of clinical trials that we usually work on.

SampleName PID Time mutation_key chrom pos alt ref ref_depth VAF mutation_det SYMBOL Consequence alt_depth variant_type
P1.Screen P1 Screen Gene1-chr1_10-A-ACT chr1 10 ACT A 12 0.55 Gene1-Nonsyn Gene1 Nonsyn 7 INDEL
P1.Screen P1 Screen Gene2-chr1_20-A-ACGTCG chr1 20 ACGTCG A 11 0.40 Gene2-Nonsyn Gene2 Nonsyn 4 INDEL
P1.Screen P1 Screen Gene3-chr2_30-A-AGG chr2 30 AGG A 9 0.20 Gene3-Damaging Gene3 Damaging 2 INDEL
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 Gene1-chr1_10-A-ACT chr1 10 ACT A 9 0.48 Gene1-Nonsyn Gene1 Nonsyn 4 INDEL
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 Gene2-chr1_20-A-ACGTCG chr1 20 ACGTCG A 12 0.45 Gene2-Nonsyn Gene2 Nonsyn 5 INDEL
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 Gene3-chr2_30-A-AGG chr2 30 AGG A 8 0.25 Gene3-Damaging Gene3 Damaging 2 INDEL
P1.Cyc2 P1 Cyc2 Gene1-chr1_10-A-ACT chr1 10 ACT A 13 0.45 Gene1-Nonsyn Gene1 Nonsyn 6 INDEL
P1.Cyc2 P1 Cyc2 Gene2-chr1_20-A-ACGTCG chr1 20 ACGTCG A 14 0.50 Gene2-Nonsyn Gene2 Nonsyn 7 INDEL
P2.Screen P2 Screen Gene1-chr1_10-G-A chr1 10 A G 20 0.50 Gene1-Nonsyn Gene1 Nonsyn 10 SNV
P2.Cyc1 P2 Cyc1 Gene1-chr1_10-G-A chr1 10 A G 25 0.55 Gene1-Nonsyn Gene1 Nonsyn 14 SNV
P2.Cyc2 P2 Cyc2 Gene1-chr1_10-G-A chr1 10 A G 23 0.45 Gene1-Nonsyn Gene1 Nonsyn 10 SNV
P2.Cyc2 P2 Cyc2 Gene4-chr4_40-T-C chr4 40 C T 15 0.10 Gene4-Damaging Gene4 Damaging 2 SNV
SampleName PID Time Blast Outcome
P1.Screen P1 Screen 0.78 Relapse
P1.Rem P1 Rem 0.05 Relapse
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 0.10 Relapse
P1.Cyc2 P1 Cyc2 0.50 Relapse
P2.Screen P2 Screen 0.90 Relapse
P2.Rem P2 Rem 0.00 Relapse
P2.Cyc1 P2 Cyc1 0.05 Relapse
P2.Cyc2 P2 Cyc2 0.20 Relapse

import_clinical() was developed with the mere function to reshape clinical data, like % blast content ( = tumour content), into the same format as we store variants information to make it easier to be combined and plotted together with the VAF over time.

This can be useful to compare patient’s clinical assessment with the cancer molecular response to treatment. For example, there can be cases where even though the patient does not seem to respond to treatment (tumour content does not drop after treatment), some cancer variants do individually respond.

Output from combine_and_filter() for patient P1 in example_variants.
SampleName PID Time chrom pos ref alt Location mutation_det mutation_key SYMBOL Consequence variant_type Blast Outcome ref_depth VAF alt_depth IMPACT qual tot_depth IMPACT_rank
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 chr1 20 A ACGTCG chr1_20 Gene2 Nonsyn chr1-20-A-ACGTCG Gene2 Nonsyn INDEL 0.10 Relapse 12 0.2941176 5 NA 0 17 1
P1.Cyc2 P1 Cyc2 chr1 10 A ACT chr1_10 Gene1 Nonsyn chr1-10-A-ACT Gene1 Nonsyn INDEL 0.50 Relapse 13 0.3157895 6 NA 0 19 1
P1.Cyc2 P1 Cyc2 chr1 20 A ACGTCG chr1_20 Gene2 Nonsyn chr1-20-A-ACGTCG Gene2 Nonsyn INDEL 0.50 Relapse 14 0.3333333 7 NA 0 21 1
P1.Screen P1 Screen chr1 10 A ACT chr1_10 Gene1 Nonsyn chr1-10-A-ACT Gene1 Nonsyn INDEL 0.78 Relapse 12 0.3684211 7 NA 0 19 1
P1.Screen P1 Screen chr1 20 A ACGTCG chr1_20 Gene2 Nonsyn chr1-20-A-ACGTCG Gene2 Nonsyn INDEL 0.78 Relapse 11 0.2666667 4 NA 0 15 1
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 chr1 10 A ACT chr1_10 Gene1 Nonsyn chr1-10-A-ACT Gene1 Nonsyn INDEL 0.10 Relapse 9 0.3076923 4 NA 0 13 1
P1.Rem P1 Rem chr1 10 A ACT chr1_10 Gene1 Nonsyn chr1-10-A-ACT Gene1 Nonsyn INDEL 0.05 Relapse 0 0.0000000 0 NA NA 0 NA
P1.Rem P1 Rem chr1 20 A ACGTCG chr1_20 Gene2 Nonsyn chr1-20-A-ACGTCG Gene2 Nonsyn INDEL 0.05 Relapse 0 0.0000000 0 NA NA 0 NA
import_blast <- varikondo::import_clinical(clinicalData = sample_metadata,
                                patientID = "P1",
                                extract_column = "Blast") 
knitr::kable(import_blast,caption = "Output from import_clinical() for patient P1 in example_metadata.")
Output from import_clinical() for patient P1 in example_metadata.
SampleName PID Time VAF mutation_key mutation_det variant_type SYMBOL
P1.Screen P1 Screen 0.78 Blast Blast Blast Blast
P1.Rem P1 Rem 0.05 Blast Blast Blast Blast
P1.Cyc1 P1 Cyc1 0.10 Blast Blast Blast Blast
P1.Cyc2 P1 Cyc2 0.50 Blast Blast Blast Blast
variants <- example_variants %>% 

p1 = variants %>%
  filter(PID %in% "P1") %>%
 ggplot(aes(x = Time, y = VAF,colour = mutation_det,group = mutation_key)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  ggtitle("P1 - before combine_and_filter()")

combine_and_fill <- combine_and_fill %>% 

p2 = ggplot(combine_and_fill,aes(x = Time, y = VAF,
                               colour=mutation_det,group=mutation_key)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  ggtitle("P1 - after combine_and_filter()")

legend = get_legend(p1)

sec1 <- plot_grid(p1 + theme(legend.position = "none"),
          p2 + theme(legend.position = "none"))
          legend,nrow=2,rel_heights = c(4,1))

Import standardised superFreq output

import_goi_superfreq() was built to import the output produced by superFreq, normally stored in nested lists within each patient’s Rdata file or in .csv files. superFreq is used to perform clonal tracking of cancer genomes over time and therefore produces temporal output for somatic SNVs, short INDELs, CNVs and clones. A superFreq run (see instructions) will create and R folder with results stored in separate folder by patient. import_goi_supefreq(superFreq_R_path, patientID = "P1) will look into this folder to extract all the results for patient P1.

Usually, collaborators might be interested in summarising a particular subset of genes of interest which can be passed to import_goi_supefreq() as a character vector in studyGenes. If no studyGenes are provided, variants on all genes are returned. ref_genome is necessary since superFreq stores variants using a different system of genomic coordinate which needs to be converted back to cDNA locations. Other variant threshold (min_vaf and min_alt) can be used to filter variants. Within a patients, only variants which pass those thresholds at any time point will be kept.

Explore variants interactively

Now that variants are standardised and combined, it is possible to explore them interactively using the Shiny App

Just save the combined dataset into a .csv file and load it into

Finally, before starting to explore, select the order in which the time variable should be plotted.

Start plotting!


Cibulskis, Kristian, Michael S Lawrence, Scott L Carter, Andrey Sivachenko, David Jaffe, Carrie Sougnez, Stacey Gabriel, Matthew Meyerson, Eric S Lander, and Gad Getz. 2013. “Sensitive Detection of Somatic Point Mutations in Impure and Heterogeneous Cancer Samples.” Nat. Biotechnol. 31 (3). Nature Research: 213–19.

Flensburg, Christoffer, Tobias Sargeant, Alicia Oshlack, and Ian Majewski. 2018. “SuperFreq: Integrated Mutation Detection and Clonal Tracking in Cancer.” bioRxiv.

Garrison, Erik, and Gabor Marth. 2012. “Haplotype-Based Variant Detection from Short-Read Sequencing,” July.

Josephidou, Malvina, Andy G Lynch, and Simon Tavaré. 2015. “multiSNV: A Probabilistic Approach for Improving Detection of Somatic Point Mutations from Multiple Related Tumour Samples.” Nucleic Acids Res. 43 (9): e61.

Koboldt, Daniel C, Qunyuan Zhang, David E Larson, Dong Shen, Michael D McLellan, Ling Lin, Christopher A Miller, Elaine R Mardis, Li Ding, and Richard K Wilson. 2012. “VarScan 2: Somatic Mutation and Copy Number Alteration Discovery in Cancer by Exome Sequencing.” Genome Res. 22 (3): 568–76.

Lai, Zhongwu, Aleksandra Markovets, Miika Ahdesmaki, Brad Chapman, Oliver Hofmann, Robert McEwen, Justin Johnson, Brian Dougherty, J Carl Barrett, and Jonathan R Dry. 2016. “VarDict: A Novel and Versatile Variant Caller for Next-Generation Sequencing in Cancer Research.” Nucleic Acids Res. 44 (11): e108.

McLaren, William, Laurent Gil, Sarah E Hunt, Harpreet Singh Riat, Graham R S Ritchie, Anja Thormann, Paul Flicek, and Fiona Cunningham. 2016. “The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor.” Genome Biol. 17 (1): 122.